Heritage Mitsubishi - Morrow

Bonus Block Special
Jan 12, 2024
Vehicle headlights.

If you’re struggling to see well on the road at night, it might be time for some new headlights from Heritage Mitsubishi-Morrow’s trusted auto repair shop! While completely blown out lights are an obvious sign, there are some more subtle clues your car will give you that can help you get that change done before you end up driving around in the dark.

Signs You Need New Headlights From Your Mitsubishi Dealer

Poor Visibility in Bad Weather

If your Mitsubishi’s headlights don’t provide sufficient visibility in rain, snow, or fog, it may be time to consider new ones. Adequate illumination is vital in bad weather conditions to ensure safe driving; if you’re struggling, it’s a sign the bulbs are getting dimmer.

When headlights start to lose their brightness, it can significantly impact your nighttime visibility, too. An easy way to tell if the bulbs are dimming is if you feel like you need to use your brights all the time. You should be able to see just fine without them except on the darkest of unlit roads.

Yellowing or Clouding of the Headlight Lens

Over time, the plastic lens covering the headlights can become yellowed or cloudy due to oxidation. This affects the appearance of your Mitsubishi (nothing makes it look older than those yellow lenses) and diminishes the effectiveness of the headlights.

You might be able to clean the lens, but the situation has advanced too far, you won’t be able to it. Replacing the headlights or restoring the lenses at that point can greatly improve visibility.

Headlight Flickering or Inconsistency

If your Mitsubishi’s headlights flicker or display inconsistent lighting, it’s a clear indication that they may need replacing. Flickering can be a sign of electrical issues within the headlight system, and consistent lighting is essential for safe driving. That flickering may turn into a situation where the lights go out completely, and when you least expect it.

Headlights Seem Misaligned

Misaligned headlights can significantly impact your ability to see the road and may indicate that new lights are necessary. This can happen if you go over a pothole too hard or are in a minor fender-bender and things seem ok otherwise.

If your lights are misaligned, you may notice that other drivers keep flashing their brights at you when you’re not using yours: your beams are blinding them because the beam’s intensity is pointed in the wrong direction. And if that’s the case, not only are they being blinded, but you’re not getting the light where you really need it for safe driving.

If you’re noticing any of these issues, don’t wait for a bigger problem to arise. Come see us at Heritage Mitsubishi Morrow to get your lights taken care of.